Multiple whoami?

Eric Berry elberry at
Mon Feb 23 23:02:53 GMT 2009

Ah Cool! I didn't know about the --author option.

This will work. This option's value isn't used in anything where it needs to
be a single value right?

I don't mind setting the whoami value to whoever is actually doing the
committing, and have the author option take the names of the actual authors.

Is there a way to set a default value on a per branch basis?

Thanks for all the help!

On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 2:55 PM, Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at> wrote:

> Eric Berry wrote:
> > Hi all, I was working on my demonstration to my team when I came up with
> an
> > interesting idea.
> >
> > Occasionally developers will pair up (not quite pair programming, but
> close)
> > and work on a project together, or do a quick code review together.
> >
> > I noticed that I can set the bzr whoami to a "pair" of users:
> > [code]
> > bzr whoami "Eric Berry <elberry at>, Joe Smith <
> jsmith at>"
> > [/code]
> >
> > This succeeds in setting the whoami to the full string, but when I use
> the
> > --email option, I only get the first entry.
> It sounds like you would like to be able to have more than one author
> recorded for a commit (as opposed to more than one committer). See this
> bug report:
> Cheers,
> Jelmer

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