[MERGE] Make lp-open work in more circumstances

Aaron Bentley aaron at aaronbentley.com
Mon Feb 23 19:10:03 GMT 2009

Hash: SHA1


This is an improvement, but I think there are better ways to handle the
commandline URL.

Jonathan Lange wrote:
> After receiving a couple of blug reports[1], I've fixed lp-open to do
> two more things:
>   1. Fallback to push location if the public location is not set (bug 332372)
>   2. Try to resolve the location given on the command line to a
> Launchpad web page (bug 332705)

Please mention bug numbers in the subject line, so that BB can link to them.

> === modified file 'NEWS'
> === modified file 'bzrlib/plugins/launchpad/__init__.py'
> --- bzrlib/plugins/launchpad/__init__.py	2009-01-24 15:10:18 +0000
> +++ bzrlib/plugins/launchpad/__init__.py	2009-02-23 01:33:58 +0000
> @@ -24,7 +24,12 @@
>  from bzrlib.branch import Branch
>  from bzrlib.commands import Command, Option, register_command
>  from bzrlib.directory_service import directories
> -from bzrlib.errors import BzrCommandError, NoPublicBranch, NotBranchError
> +from bzrlib.errors import (
> +    BzrCommandError,
> +    InvalidURL,
> +    NoPublicBranch,
> +    NotBranchError,
> +    )
>  from bzrlib.help_topics import topic_registry
> @@ -127,7 +132,6 @@
>  register_command(cmd_register_branch)
> -# XXX: Make notes to test this.
>  class cmd_launchpad_open(Command):
>      """Open a Launchpad branch page in your web browser."""
> @@ -139,18 +143,37 @@
>          ]
>      takes_args = ['location?']
> +    def _possible_locations(self, location):
> +        """Yield possible external locations for the branch at 'location'."""
> +        yield location
> +        try:
> +            branch = Branch.open(location)
> +        except NotBranchError:
> +            return

If you defer handling commandline URLs until after Branch.open, you can
yield Branch.base, which will have had directory lookups performed and
normalization applied.  This will allow "lp-open :parent" to work, for

> +        branch_url = branch.get_public_branch()
> +        if branch_url is not None:
> +            yield branch_url
> +        branch_url = branch.get_push_location()
> +        if branch_url is not None:
> +            yield branch_url
> +
> +    def _get_web_url(self, service, location):
> +        from bzrlib.plugins.launchpad.lp_registration import (
> +            NotLaunchpadBranch)

Wouldn't it make sense to do these imports at the top of the module?

> +        for branch_url in self._possible_locations(location):
> +            try:
> +                return service.get_web_url_from_branch_url(branch_url)
> +            except (NotLaunchpadBranch, InvalidURL):
> +                pass
> +        raise NotLaunchpadBranch(branch_url)
> +
>      def run(self, location=None, dry_run=False):
>          from bzrlib.plugins.launchpad.lp_registration import LaunchpadService
>          from bzrlib.trace import note
>          import webbrowser

Wouldn't it make sense to do these imports at the top of the module?

>          if location is None:
>              location = u'.'
> -        branch = Branch.open(location)
> -        branch_url = branch.get_public_branch()
> -        if branch_url is None:
> -            raise NoPublicBranch(branch)
> -        service = LaunchpadService()
> -        web_url = service.get_web_url_from_branch_url(branch_url)
> +        web_url = self._get_web_url(LaunchpadService(), location)
>          note('Opening %s in web browser' % web_url)
>          if not dry_run:
>              webbrowser.open(web_url)
> === modified file 'bzrlib/plugins/launchpad/test_lp_open.py'
> --- bzrlib/plugins/launchpad/test_lp_open.py	2009-01-25 17:44:01 +0000
> +++ bzrlib/plugins/launchpad/test_lp_open.py	2009-02-23 01:33:58 +0000
> @@ -29,16 +29,17 @@
>          return err.splitlines()
>      def test_non_branch(self):
> -        # Running lp-open on a non-branch prints a simple error.
> +        # If given a branch with no public or push locations, lp-open will try
> +        # to guess the Launchpad page for the given URL / path. If it cannot
> +        # find one, it will raise an error.
>          self.assertEqual(
> -            ['bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "%s/".' % abspath('.')],
> +            ['bzr: ERROR: . is not hosted on Launchpad.'],

Is that technically accurate?  Wouldn't lp-open work on mirrored or
remote branches?

>              self.run_open('.', retcode=3))
> -    def test_no_public_location(self):
> +    def test_no_public_location_no_push_location(self):
>          self.make_branch('not-public')
>          self.assertEqual(
> -            ['bzr: ERROR: There is no public branch set for "%s/".'
> -             % abspath('not-public')],
> +            ['bzr: ERROR: not-public is not hosted on Launchpad.'],
>              self.run_open('not-public', retcode=3))

We generally use PEP8 indenting, not Launchpad-style.

>      def test_non_launchpad_branch(self):
> @@ -49,7 +50,7 @@
>              ['bzr: ERROR: %s is not hosted on Launchpad.' % url],
>              self.run_open('non-lp', retcode=3))
> -    def test_launchpad_branch(self):
> +    def test_launchpad_branch_with_public_location(self):
>          branch = self.make_branch('lp')
>          branch.set_public_branch(
>              'bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~foo/bar/baz')
> @@ -57,3 +58,23 @@
>              ['Opening https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~foo/bar/baz in web '
>               'browser'],
>              self.run_open('lp'))
> +
> +    def test_launchpad_branch_with_no_public_but_with_push(self):
> +        # lp-open falls back to the push location if it cannot find a public
> +        # location.
> +        branch = self.make_branch('lp')
> +        branch.set_push_location(
> +            'bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~foo/bar/baz')
> +        self.assertEqual(
> +            ['Opening https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~foo/bar/baz in web '
> +             'browser'],
> +            self.run_open('lp'))
> +
> +    def test_launchpad_branch_with_no_public_no_push(self):
> +        # If lp-open is given a branch URL and that branch has no public
> +        # location and no push location, then just try to look up the
> +        # Launchpad page for that URL.
> +        self.assertEqual(
> +            ['Opening https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~foo/bar/baz in web '
> +             'browser'],
> +            self.run_open('bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~foo/bar/baz'))

Should there be tests for the precedence of the lp resolutions?

Also, it would be nice to see that "lp-open :parent" worked.

bb:tweak on fixing the imports, unless there's a good reason not to.
The rest is optional.

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