[MERGE] rip off the trailing whitespace band-aid

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Mon Feb 23 15:52:01 GMT 2009

Hash: SHA1

Marius Kruger wrote:
> 2009/1/27 John Arbash Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com
> <mailto:john at arbash-meinel.com>>
>     John Arbash Meinel has voted tweak.
>     Status is now: Conditionally approved
>     Comment:
>     I think we should merge this, though do we want to wait until right
>     after a release?
>     Anyway, I don't see a test change that makes sure all files don't
>     have whitespace, so I presume the only one is the test that makes
>     sure that newly merged changes don't have whitespace, but we should
>     change it to just check everything.
> The proper test is there, maybe you looked in the wrong diff, see below.
>     2009/1/27 Martin Pool <mbp at sourcefrog.net <mailto:mbp at sourcefrog.net>>
>     I think the "band-aid" subject is well chosen, 
> thats a quote from jam :)
>     and we might as well
>     just do it now.  I don't think there is any time in the cycle when
>     it's particularly convenient to get conflicts - but at the moment the
>     merge queue is relatively small, and we're not immediately close to a
>     release.
> I also think you should merge this sooner rather than later.

So this patch also sort of got "forgotten" for a bit, but I just
ressurected it, merged it into bzr.dev, resolved lots of conflicts,
tracked down more trailing whitespace and submitted it. For conflicted
files, I just reverted in favor of bzr.dev, and then re-did the
whitespace removal. (I assumed that other than the test case, this patch
didn't change any bzrlib internals.)

So once that lands, we'll be trailing whitespace free. Of course, that
also means we should track down some long lived branches (like
brisbane-core) and get these changes merged in there.

For people who want to configure VIM to help here, you can add this to

" Watch out for trailing newlines in any python code
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.py match Error /\s\+$/
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.pyx match Error /\s\+$/

Does anyone know what 'emacs' can give you to help with trailing whitespace?

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