joint standup 20090223

Martin Pool mbp at
Sun Feb 22 22:41:58 GMT 2009

 * was on-call reviewer, then landed a branch which took edge down 8-)
 * today

 * did a big push to get everything so far doing streaming push to a
stacked branch, almost but not quite got there; much stuff landed in
 * there are some tests with ratchets to make sure it gets no higher
 * today, chatting with robert, maybe make it work with stacking,
 * going to update the SmartPushAnalysis to show

 * going to keep going with streaming push to stacked repositories

 * spoke to happy users, ran vcsbench, did content filtering review
 * will with ian get orcadas running network

 * usertest can now automatically find the right repository format
 * landed filtered views
 * fastimport - also got a new delta-based algorithm for working out
what to send to the repository

 * removed use of mutools from loggerhead
 * have been firefighting edge
 * would like to land version of revnocache in loggerhead

Martin <>

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