[merge] documentation on building/testing/packaging on ec2

Colin D Bennett colin at gibibit.com
Thu Feb 19 07:35:43 GMT 2009

Out of curiosity, why not use a QEMU or VirtualBox virtual machine
image, perhaps making the virtual machine instance remotely accessible
to the core developers via RDP?

I see the advantage of a standalone virtual machine for a build
environment as being ease of backup/archival (preservation for the
future) and reduced dependencies on third parties.

For free operating systems, the virtual machine concept is more useful
since there are no licensing issues preventing simple distribution of
the virtual machine image to allow anyone to run it with no

For non-free operating systems like Windows or Mac OS, hosting a virtual
machine instance with remote access for Bazaar developers seems to me
like a viable option.  I suppose Amazon EC2 has some advantage, however,
and I have to admit that I know nothing about it.

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