Ignoring a proxy with bzr on Windows

Lionel Dricot zeploum at gmail.com
Wed Feb 18 10:23:41 GMT 2009

Currently, I've found the workaround of setting the http_proxy value to the
adresse of my bzr repository.

The only thing I need to figure out is how can I export this http_proxy
value when bzr start ?  There's a start_bzr.bat file which seems to be
really convenient but it is not used by Tortoisebzr.

So where can I put that variable ?

On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 11:12 AM, Adrian Wilkins
<adrian.wilkins at gmail.com>wrote:

> I also find this rather irksome.
> The issue is that the common Python libraries will read the proxy config
> of IE, but does not run PAC scripts (which are typically JScript).
> If IE is configured statically, I believe that works properly.
> Python will also respect the HTTP_PROXY environment variable, which
> takes precedence over the IE config, but I've not found a way to make it
> say "NO proxy" (using either urllib2 or pycurl).
> Maybe this :
> http://code.google.com/p/pacparser/wiki/PacFilesInPythonWebclients
> Would be some help... I'd really like to see something like this in the
> main Python library (batteries included, remember?) since this is such a
> common scenario. I can't believe that all Python developers are lone
> wolves operating outside of a corporate firewall.
> So I don't think this is ultimately a Bazaar issue ; but Bazaar will
> have to cope with it until it improves.
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