Best way to check if a directory is an brz branch

Nicholas Allen nick.allen at
Tue Feb 17 17:27:14 GMT 2009

Hash: SHA1

> You are welcome to propose a patch, write some tests, and get something
> merged into bzrlib. I'm not sure that bzr itself will have any use for
> that sort of function. Also, if there is a "broken branch" does that
> count as a real branch?

I think it would make sense that it does. If you later try to do
something with it then it would throw an exception anyway.

> I don't know exactly what functionality you want, or how you are
> defining a "real branch". Care to explain a bit more as to why you want
> to know that a branch exists, but not actually do anything with the
> branch object?

I am improving the hookless email plugin. There is a class called
BranchEmailer that takes a path to a branch at construction. I need to
scan a directory recursively and add create branch emailers for each
branch I find. So I want to do something like:

if is_branch(dir):

I could change BranchEmailer to take a branch as an argument and not its
path I suppose. This is not a change I want to do because I think it
makes more sense how it is now.

But it's also easy to think of uses for such a function. Imagine a
plugin that lists all branches below a directory recursively printing
them to the terminal. It does not need to open any of these branches in
order to do so. It just needs to print their paths.


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