Migrating CVS repositories to Bazaar

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Tue Feb 17 15:48:46 GMT 2009

Hash: SHA1

Ian Clatworthy wrote:
> Michael Haggerty wrote:
>> Ian Clatworthy wrote:
>> cvs2git currently doesn't interact with git at all--it simply dumps one
>> or two git-fast-import files to disk for the user to load manually using
>> "git fast-import".  Therefore, at the current state of technology,
>> cvs2git == cvs2hg == cvs2bzr and I could just as well have called it
>> cvs2fastimport (or cvs2fast-import; can't you guys come to agreement
>> about hyphens?!? :-) ).
> cvs2fastimport sounds good to me. (Our plugin is called fastimport and
> our command is called fast-import. That's because plugins map to
> Python packages and Python doesn't like hyphens in package names. It
> also allows 'bzr help fastimport' to give high level help on the plugin
> while 'bzr help fast-import' explains just that command in detail.)
> I should also mention that Darcs now supports fastimport format,
> both for import and export.

Would it be "fastimport" or "fastexport"?

At least in my head, the thing converting *to* the stream format is a
"fastexport" command, and the thing converting *from* the stream format
is a "fastimport" command.


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