[RFC] new option in bazaar.conf to specify language for GUI?

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Tue Feb 17 08:00:00 GMT 2009

Hi developers of GUI front-ends for bzr,

I'd like to post this RFC because we have related bug report[1] in QBzr,
when user need to use another language settings for UI, different from
system settings.

I think we can introduce new global option in bazaar.conf for this needs.
I'm talking about option in bazaar.conf because therefore it can be used
by all bzr GUI tools: bzr-gtk, qbzr, TBZR, wildcatbzr(?) etc.

Of course we can solve this problem in qbzr-specific way and store it
in our global qbzr.conf. But maybe there will be win for other tools
from such global option.

This variable should store short language code, e.g. 'en', 'en_US', 'ja' etc.
So we can pass its value directly to gettext.

So if other GUI devs agree on the new option in bazaar.conf, we need
to choose the name for it. Possible variants:

1) language
2) lang

First two could be ambiguous, so what about this:

3) ui_language or gui_language
4) ui_lang or gui_lang

Or to make it more closer to *nix env variables:


Any other suggestions? The name for this option preferable should be
short enough and clear enough.

I'd prefer either language or [g]ui_language.


[1] https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/330362

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