have a release branch

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Tue Feb 17 05:59:08 GMT 2009

On Tue, 2009-02-17 at 15:07 +1100, Martin Pool wrote:
> > I understand Robert's idea as having an *additional* branch named
> > 'current' where commits will be done *only* for official
> > releases.
> >
> > So that bzr log -n1 will shows *only* the bzr official releases,
> > *excluding* release candidates and of course all intermediate
> > commits made on release branches (which can be seen with bzr log
> > -n 2 (one more use case for -n 2 mwhahaha)).
> I'm ok with having an additional branch containing the most current
> released copy.  I don't see how getting rid of the current release
> branches would help anything and it would make some things worse.

I wasn't proposing removing anything :). Just adding a convenience for
folk that 'want the latest release' - one such audience is packagers.

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