[MERGE] Workaround SSLFile wrong readline prototype and fix bogus tests

Jelmer Vernooij jelmer at samba.org
Mon Feb 16 16:44:33 GMT 2009

Jelmer Vernooij has voted comment.
Status is now: Semi-approved
+        # This should be readline(self, size=-1), but httplib in python 
2.4 and
+        #  2.5 defines a SSLFile wrapper whose readline method lacks 
the size
+        #  parameter.  So until we drop support for 2.4 and 2.5 and 
since we
+        #  don't *need* the size parameter we'll stay with 
+        #  --  vila 20090209
Can't we just add a check for the Python version here, and only use this 
hack when Python < 2.6 ?

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