A branch from a sub-directory?

Stefan Monnier monnier at iro.umontreal.ca
Sun Feb 15 20:56:16 GMT 2009

> Is there a way to create a branch from that directory without bringing in
> the complete history of the previous branch but only the history of files
> in that subdirectory?

Fundamentally, with Bzr's info (same thing for Git and probably Hg),
this can only be done in 2 ways:
- commit a change that removes all other files: so you keep the whole
  history, including the history of all the other "unrelated" files.
- reconstruct a new history via a process similar to "rebase".  This way
  you can get rid of the history part that only affects "unrelated"
  files, but you get a new branch unrelated to the old one.


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