Brief article on benchmarks of Python repository with leading DVCSen

Forest Bond forest at
Fri Feb 13 21:01:54 GMT 2009


On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 08:47:22PM +0000, Paul Moore wrote:
> 2009/2/13 Barry Warsaw <barry at>:
> > Wow, you just described 'bzr send'ing a bundle to Launchpad's bug tracker.
> > :)
> Neat :-) Does that rely on Launchpad functionality, or is the same
> possible on any tracker (thinking Roundup for Python, here)? Having
> said that, uploading a Mercurial bundle is probably essentially the
> same - and certainly Mercurial bundles wouldn't rely on Launchpad. But
> bundles (hg or bzr) are not what I'd call "live", they are more a type
> of enhanced, multi-changeset, patch, as I understand them. You can't
> push to them, for example. (But maybe that's just my inexperience
> speaking, I've never been involved in the type of highly distributed
> environment you seem to be describing).

Launchpad hosts bzr branches, too.

Forest Bond
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