have a release branch

Daniel Watkins daniel at daniel-watkins.co.uk
Fri Feb 13 15:08:52 GMT 2009

On Fri, 2009-02-13 at 08:10 -0600, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> 2) We need to get tags working with PQM before I'd really be
> comfortable. Right now, tags seem to go into a black hole when they go
> through PQM.
> 3) It would be *nice* to have a way to ask PQM to tag a branch. Either
> tag the commit it makes, or after the fact. (So you could 'bzr
> pqm-submit --create-tag bzr-1.12 -m "Release 1.12"', and PQM would add a
> "bzr tag bzr-1.12" after the commit succeeded.)

File bugs, please. :)


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