bazaar equivalents for CVS's $Version$ $Author$ $Log$

Dmitri Vassilenko troworld at
Fri Feb 13 14:33:38 GMT 2009

On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 9:16 AM, John Arbash Meinel
<john at> wrote:
> Gizbo wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm evaluating Bazaar in the hopes of breaking from CVS.
>> One feature of CVS I liked was the ability to include $Log$, $Author$,
>> $Version$ and other tags in the source file, which would automatically
>> be updated after a commit.
>> What is the equivalent (if any) in Bazaar?
>> Thanks
> In general, automatically replacing text causes a lot of hardships
> during things like "merge". I'm guessing you haven't done it much but
> the $Version$ tag is particularly awful in CVS. If a file is changed in
> 2 branches, both update the $Version$ field, and then a merge always
> conflicts on that line. Because of specific issues like that, we
> intentionally waited on having an implementation, as most of the time
> they are at least as harmful as beneficial in a distributed setup.

$Log$ is even worse. Since it adds a few lines at every commit, the
more branches diverge the worse the conflicts during merge. You end up
either ditching that output entirely or hand-merging each entry to
resemble branch history.


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