Brief article on benchmarks of Python repository with leading DVCSen

David Cournapeau david at
Fri Feb 13 03:22:05 GMT 2009

Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> David Cournapeau writes:
>  > To me, this at least shows that saying that git cannot track content
>  > reliably is bogus:
> Nobody wrote "cannot" in the sense of "theoretically impossible".

Not in my understanding - I have seen several times people saying it was
inherently impossible, and that git rename tracking was
stupid/unreliable/etc... on this ground. It may have read as "the OP
said it was not possible", which was not what I wanted to say.

> The fact is that git *doesn't* manage renames reliably, and
> organizations that *need* rename tracking cannot afford to fiddle with
> an entire development cycle for the feature, but will strongly prefer
> to wait for a robust, tested, stable version of git that does it.

I am not denying anyone's right to use what they think is best, that
would be stupid. I was interested in an explanation of something I did
not understand, which Talden explained well I believe :)


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