[MERGE] concise help for commands by default

Martin Pool mbp at canonical.com
Fri Feb 13 03:04:03 GMT 2009

Martin Pool has voted abstain.
Status is now: Semi-approved
2009/2/6 Ian Clatworthy <ian.clatworthy at internode.on.net>:
> As discussed on the mailing list recently, the help for
> commands should be concise by default with "bzr help -v xxx"
> being used to see the detailed information.
> The attached patch implements that. It also makes sure that
> multiple descriptive sections are kept in the order given,
> rather than being alphabetically sorted.

I do think 'bzr help foo' should display all the help on foo, not just 
the summary.  I'd rather instead see some or all of these:

  * merge or reimplement bzr-pager so that help is shown in a pager 

  * add a short form that gives you just the brief summary, like bzr foo 

  * split topics into smaller components, as you did with log-formats, 
and we could add log-examples


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Project: Bazaar

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