[MERGE] Fix RemoteBranch to be used correctly in tests using bzr+ssh, to fire off Branch hooks correctly, and improve the branch_implementations tests to check that making a branch gets the right format under test.

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Fri Feb 13 00:54:32 GMT 2009

This branch is needed to let a test of 'bzr push bzr+ssh://host/foo'
work. Its needed because we were not actually using the smart server for
new branches, and when we dove down into that we found rather more rot
than expected. So this branch:
 - fixes RemoteBranch to fire hooks as other Branch implementations do
 - fixes branch_implementation tests to handle RemoteBranch
 - fixes branch_implementation tests to break if self.make_branch() does
   not give back the format under test.

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