Brief article on benchmarks of Python repository with leading DVCSen

Nicholas Allen nicholas.allen at
Thu Feb 12 12:12:58 GMT 2009

Matthieu Moy wrote:
> Nicholas Allen <nick.allen at> writes:
>> My understanding of git (which is most likely old and obsolete so be
>> easy on me!) is that it doesn't track file or directory renames
>> explicitly.
> It doesn't track them, but it detects them. This is a design choice,
> and just saying "this is bad" is not an argument. 
That wasn't the point I was making. I was saying that git is not the 
right choice for me because I do a lot of work in Java and a lot of 
refactoring. I don't think git's way of doing things is bad - it just 
doesn't fit into my workflow and the kind of things I do. I feel more in 
control with Bazaar because I can explicitly tell it what moved where 
and this is not determined by some algorithm. With the Eclipse plugin 
Eclipse will automatically tell Bazaar that I renamed something when I 
refactor which is exactly what I need.


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