Brief article on benchmarks of Python repository with leading DVCSen

Nicholas Allen nick.allen at
Thu Feb 12 09:38:30 GMT 2009

Hash: SHA1

Matthieu Moy wrote:
> Nicholas Allen <nicholas.allen at> writes:
>> I think the time Bazaar saves me with its proper support for renaming
>> and merging is far more significant than a few seconds performing not
>> so frequent commands.
> Can you detail what's wrong with Git's support for merging and
> renaming?

My understanding of git (which is most likely old and obsolete so be
easy on me!) is that it doesn't track file or directory renames
explicitly. Instead it looks at the contents of the files being
versioned. This is not good enough for me. I do a lot of refactoring in
Eclipse and it is important that the renaming of Java classes are
recorded exactly. The contents of the file may have changed drastically
when a class is renamed. When I merge from someone else I need the
changes they made to go into the correct class. I also want a conflict
when a file is renamed differently in 2 different branches and then merged.

I tried a few experimental attempts a long while ago (git was quite new
at that point) and git did not work the way I wanted it to. But please
be easy on me if git now tracks file renames explicitly - I have not
been keeping track of git development because I need a VCS that is well
supported on Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX (using Cygwin is not really an
option). I also want good GUI tools on all those platforms.

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