Brief article on benchmarks of Python repository with leading DVCSen

Nicholas Allen nicholas.allen at
Wed Feb 11 14:42:07 GMT 2009

Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> Nicholas Allen writes:
>  > It looks like they didn't use a shared repository in Bazaar so perhaps 
>  > the results are not that meaningful.
> Unfortunately, the feedback we (the authors of PEP 374) have so far
> from Python developers is to the contrary.  Anything that doesn't
> happen automatically is "too complex" to ask the Python developers to
> do, so whatever is most straightforward is what is going to benchmarked.
I find it hard to believe that programmers finds one simple command too 
complex but I'll take your word for it. I thought they originally used 
subversion at some point which requires significantly more setup - 
including a server for the repository.

I mean all they have to do is *one* extra command (not even for each 
branch but just once per project):

bzr init-repo my-branches

Then they just have to branch all there branches below that directory. 
It sounds to me like people are being completely unreasonable here. A 
fair benchmark would have been much more interesting IMHO. I expect 
Bazaar would have still be the slowest but it would at least be a 
reasonable and fair comparison.


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