important changes in scmproj plugin
Alexander Belchenko
bialix at
Tue Feb 10 10:28:06 GMT 2009
Nicholas Allen пишет:
> I tried looking at this but couldn't really understand the
> documentation. It would be nice if there was a tutorial style document
> which used an example of a project made up of many branches and how to
> convert it to scmproj and subsequently use it.
I'm working on howto document which explains how to create new project
from scratch. Also I'm planning to create tutorial project as well.
Some thoughts here:
Some advices about creating new project.
1) You need to create the control dir first:
bzr pinit /some/dir
2) In the /some/dir you'll find .scmproj dir. This is control dir
(similar to .bzr for usual branches). Step into this dir.
3) You should see there project.cfg file. This is ini-style config file
to describe your project. Basically you need add all your components
in the file with sections like following:
[component "foo"]
RELPATH = path/of/componet/relative/to/project/root
BRANCH_URL = bzr://public/branch/of/your/component/branch
Full description of project.cfg format you could find here:
.scmproj is the (almost) regular bzr branch, so you can commit your
config when you need, and publish it as usual.
4) Then run: `bzr pco --fetch` in the project root and you should
see how component branches fetched from defined URLs and
lightweight checkouts created for them in the project workspace.
5) Use hints and tips from
to work with project checkout.
I will be very grateful to any suggestion how to improve the docs.
Or critiques. It helps even more.
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