yeah, it's me :( was: Re: it looks like someone broke http:// in dev)

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at
Mon Feb 9 09:36:15 GMT 2009

>>>>> "jam" == John Arbash Meinel <john at> writes:

    jam> ...

    >> Are you planning to submit something?
    >> I'm quite surprised that we don't have tests for this.

Oh, we have.

    >> Maybe we should add a http blackbox test (extending
    >> http_utils.TestCaseWithWebserver or something else?)
    >> testing some basic workflow actions like info, init, co,
    >> up, ci, push, pull, log to make sure that it doesn't break
    >> all of a sunday when nobody is looking.

You got the idea.

In fact, everything is in place to do so, it's called

All you need to do is add a test permutation for the http

Something like:


in and



Both should be activated if tests.HTTPSServerFeature.available()

Oh wait, that's already the case !

The problem is that we have an https test server for python 2.6

I ran the tests for python 2.6 before submitting the offending

But as John pointed out the bug is in for python 2.4
and 2.5 where the SSLFile class provides a bogus readline method

And I didn't check *that*... I'm very sorry about it.

    >> regards
    >> marius

    jam> We have HTTP tests. In fact, we have lots of them. What
    jam> we don't have is propert HTTPS testing, because of the
    jam> need for certificates, etc. I'm pretty sure that Vincent
    jam> has gotten 80% of the way to getting a proper HTTPS
    jam> server implementation for testing, he just hasn't had
    jam> time to finish it.

Oh, the server is there and fully functional. What we miss are
the tests around the certificates themselves, the test server
already has a self-signed certificate and when we use it for
pycurl we provide a special pycurl transport with the appropriate
CA bundle.

What we also miss is the certificate *verification* implemented
in the urllib client (that will come...)

    jam> We'll certainly get something submitted, though probably
    jam> not until Monday when someone else is around to discuss
    jam> it.

I'm working on it right now, for those that get bitten, John's
patch should be correct as an interim solution.


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