[qbzr] QBzr 0.9.7 released

Gary van der Merwe garyvdm at gmail.com
Mon Feb 9 02:06:44 GMT 2009

On behalf of QBzr developers I'd like to announce new 0.9.7 release.


Changes in this release:

 * qcommit:
    * handle situation with huge list of committed files on Windows (#277077).
    * properly show changed files when only executable bit changed.
    * fixed a bug, where if there is a lock on a branch, you could not close
      the window.
 * qconflicts: new command and new window to view and resolve conflicts.
 * qlog:
    * removed the delay when loading revision form local repositories.
    * when the search is, scroll so that the selected revision is kept in
 * qdiff:
    * Don't use replace when decoding texts, fall back to latin1 instead.
      (Bug #323543 - side-by-side shows wrong changes highlighting for files
      with non-ascii characters)
 * qrevert:
    * added --no-backup option.
 * Add the ability to configure, and use external diff tools from QBzr.
   If the user has bzr-difftools - the usability of this funcaility is
 * Properly stop running action with Cancel button on Windows.
 * Transport activity is displayed next to the throbbers/progress bars.
 * Password prompts are now displaied in qlog, qbrowse, qcat, qdiff, qannotate.

QBzr is a cross-platform GUI front end for Bazaar, based on Qt toolkit.

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