joint bzr/launchpad code standup notes 20090209

Martin Pool mbp at
Sun Feb 8 22:17:37 GMT 2009

 * catching up on bzr list etc
 * mostly working on codebrowse/loggerhead; it's getting more reliable
but sometimes still surprisingly slow
 * working on getting profiling data from the production system
 * catching up on merge proposals
 * would be nice to get loggerhead into a ppa
 * reviews, especially lp-open and content-filtering
 * on Friday, found a bug in shelve where you can't unshelve deleted
content, spent some time learning about tree transforms etc, no
progress on brisbane-core
 * today, strong desire to sync up with Andrew on the stuff kicked off
Thursday, want to close that branch off
 * otherwise, back on to compression benchmarking so that we have a
clear case for choosing particular tradeoffs
 * want to close off the streaming branch from last week - takes fetch
code into a streaming paradigm; should be done today
 * catching up on email
 * some api branches
 * finishing off some trivial bugs
 * (away as swap for Australia day)

Martin <>

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