Why does Bazaar download so much data for a small change?

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Fri Feb 6 03:27:28 GMT 2009

Colin D Bennett writes:

 > I use Gentoo primarily, so I'm not used to concept of OS "releases"; I
 > just have the latest packages available at any point in time.

No, you don't.  I spent over a month watch the kdelibs 4.1.3-r1 build
fail.  Worse (kmines is the only KDE app I care about ;-), during the
OpenSSL 0.9.7 debacle I lost my SSH every time I updated my Gentoo
system.  It's a tradeoff, one that you (and I!) are happy to make in
favor of up-to-date, but others strongly prefer stability.

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