[MERGE][#84763] Expanded log help

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Fri Jan 30 16:01:36 GMT 2009

Hash: SHA1

Ian Clatworthy wrote:
> This patch updates the help for log to be useful. :-)
> In particular, it explains some of the recently added
> functionality.
> The output from 'bzr help log' is attached.
> The resulting User Reference can be seen here:
> http://people.ubuntu.com/~ianc/doc/en/user-reference/bzr_man.html#log.
> Ian C.

+    """Show historical log for a branch or subset of a branch.
+    log is bzr's default tool for exploring the history of a branch.
+    The branch to use is taken from the first parameter. If no parameters
+    are given, the branch containing the working directory is logged.
+    Here are some simple examples::

^- This seems a bit verbose for something you get from "bzr help log".
This looks a lot more like something that would be in a user guide.
I think having a couple examples is good, but 'bzr help log' should
really be only about 1 page, and possibly reference something in
help-topics to get more information.


v- This *especially* is too verbose for a simple 'bzr help log'. I like
the text a lot, I just feel it should be elsewhere.

It is also potentially inaccurate, as plugins can provide more log
formatters, though I guess you say "The *standard* log formats".

+    :Log formats:
+     A log format controls how information about each revision is
+     The standard log formats are compared below::
+      Feature                 long           short         line
+      ----------------------  -------------  ------------
- -------------------

I haven't gone through all of the text. Everything I've read is well
written and good to have. Just not in the short online help you should
get from "bzr help log"

Perhaps the easiest thing is to take almost exactly what you've written,
put it into a help topic, and then reference that.

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