[PEBKAC] Bzr mixing up branches?

Talden talden at gmail.com
Fri Jan 30 19:46:22 GMT 2009

On Sat, Jan 31, 2009 at 8:41 AM, Marius Kruger <amanic at gmail.com> wrote:
> 2009/1/30 Sohail Somani <sohail at worklogassistant.com>
>> Marius Kruger wrote:
>> > 2009/1/30 Sohail Somani <sohail at worklogassistant.com
>> >
>> >     Related branches:
>> >        push branch: /home/sohail/bzr/code/master <--- HUH?
>> >      parent branch: /home/sohail/bzr/code/master <--- HUH?
>> >      submit branch: /home/sohail/src/ssci
>> >
>> > yeah that bugs me too.
>> > Checkout and bound branches doesn't have anything to do with the above
>> > locations.
>> > So if you are using switch to change between the master and next
>> > branches you should only use
>> > update and commit. Other commands like push, pull, merge and missing
>> > uses the above locations, so they are dangerous in this scenario IMO.
>> > (I want to fix this but don't know what people would agree on to be a
>> > fix)
>> I'd say the fix would be "do what the user expected." In this case, I
>> would *not* expect it to go to the master since I am working on the
>> branch. Inter-branch operations should be done solely through merge imo.
>> It seems that there are multiple ways to do the same thing which I
>> personally can't appreciate.
> maybe doing the right thing for bound branches is to us the master branch
> for the push location.
>> > 2) after committing did you maybe do a `bzr push` without specifying a
>> > location?
>> >    with the above locations this would send your changes to the master.
>> I think this has to be the problem. I remember doing some push/pulls. In
>> fact, there is one "missing" as reported by bzr missing ~/bzr/code/next
>> when I was in the master branch. Indeed, after switching to the next
>> branch and doing a push, the missing is now in master.
>> So... Note to self: use commit, update and merge only. Never use
>> push/pull again.
>> Is that more or less correct for me?
> yes when working with a checkout, use commit/update, not push/pull.

Should we then produce an error if using push/pull in a checkout? I
get as the scenarios document is fleshed out we will be able to
identify combinations we should treat as errors to ensure that users
aren't bitten by unexpected behaviour.


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