Nested trees support

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Tue Jan 27 22:20:05 GMT 2009

Nicholas Allen пишет:
> Does anyone know a time estimate when Bazaar will be able to support
> nested branches?
> Sorry to keep asking about this but this is really the only major
> feature Bazaar lacks (and it's even more important than it would be in
> other VCS because you can't checkout a subdirectory of a branch).

Nick, I'm working on alternate solution called scmproj. It's the plugin for bzr.
It's not so cool as native nested trees, but at least I hope it can be useful enough.
It's status is the alpha right now: it's working but there is still many unfinished
features. And right now me and Marius Kruger working on new (better) version.

If you have a time to look at it and try it and provide some feedback -- it will
be very cool. I can help you to write project config.


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