How to prevent bazaar asking for the password when using https+webdav

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at
Tue Jan 27 18:01:25 GMT 2009

>>>>> "Nicholas" == Nicholas Allen <nick.allen at> writes:

Sorry for the delay.

    Nicholas> Thanks a lot - that worked!

Great, would you mind telling us where you looked in the doc and
why you failed to make it work at first ?

    Nicholas> Dmitry Vasiliev wrote:
    >> Nicholas Allen wrote:
    >>> Thanks for the tips. I tried putting the password in the URL but Bazaar
    >>> still prompted for the password. It also didn't work by creating the
    >>> authentification.conf file.
    >>> Is this a bug in the webdav plugin then?
    >> It works because I use it every day. Two tips:
    >> - file must be named authentication.conf not authentification.conf
    >> - 'scheme' parameter must be 'https' not 'https+webdav'

Which hint was the right one ?

Dmitry, thanks for your help, can I ask you one more favor ?

Can you tell me with what server you are using and how you
configure it ?

I'd like to update the plugin documentation with some examples...


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