svn+https deprecated, but https alone doesn't work

Daniel Lidström daniel.lidstrom at
Tue Jan 27 08:09:13 GMT 2009

From: Colin D Bennett [mailto:colin at] 
> On Mon, 26 Jan 2009 11:37:31 +0100
> Daniel Lidström <daniel.lidstrom at> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > when I try to check out a subversion repository, it seems 
> svn+https is the
> > only way. But bzr tells me the syntax
> > is deprecated. 
> Does the server use a self-signed certificate?  That is, one which is
> not certified by a CA in the default CA list which comes with libcurl?

Yes it is a self-signed certificate.

> The problem is that libcurl does not support self-signed certificates,
> so you have to add the 'svn+' prefix to make bzr use a 
> different access
> method.
> I think if you had Python 2.6, there is a new Python-native network
> layer bzr will take advantage of instead of 'pycurl' that would
> support things the Right Way (i.e., without requiring you to specify
> 'svn+'), but I may be wrong... bzr devs, is this right?
> Regards, Colin

Thanks for this explanation Colin.


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