bzr 1.11.1 - qbzr visual diff bug

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Mon Jan 26 17:13:47 GMT 2009

Lukáš Lalinský пишет:
> On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 4:59 PM, John Arbash Meinel
> <john at> wrote:
>> Daniel Lidström wrote:
>>> there seems to be a bug with the visual diff in qbzr. Have a look at the
>>> screenshots.
>>> The unified diff is correct, the visual diff is wrong.
>> They both are saying the same thing. You deleted that line.
>> The unified diff puts a '-' on that line, and the visual diff shows that
>> the range was "compressed" down to nothing.
>> Why do you think it is wrong?
> It should remove the "double k1=0.14" line, not the empty one. Daniel,
> is this branch public, so I can try to reproduce it?

Lukas, I saw similar wrong things at my work with official bzr.exe installer.
(Sorry the branch is not public). I suspect it could be related
to bundled libraries. I want to test with my own build to compare.

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