Commit/Push unbound tag?
Eric Berry
elberry at
Sat Jan 24 00:59:38 GMT 2009
Performing this operation results in an Error: "Tag release-1.0 already
However, after that I am able to checkout the tag directly using the
previous command.
bzr checkout -r tag:release-1.0 ftp://[domain]/[project]/trunk
So it seems the error is generated, but the tag is still pushed to the
central repo.
I am filing a bug with the aforementioned information.
Thank you,
On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 4:02 PM, Martin Pool <mbp at> wrote:
> 2009/1/23 Eric Berry <elberry at>:
> > Is there a way to push the unbounded tag to the central repo after my
> local
> > branch has been rebound?
> It's probably a bug that it does not check them when you rebind (you
> could file one, or look for one, in the tracker.)
> As a workaround use bzr tags to find where it's bound and then just
> bzr tag -r REVID -d sftp://.... TAGNAME
> --
> Martin < <>>
Learn from the past. Live in the present. Plan for the future.
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