Short, task-based bzr doclets for real-world use cases.

Paul Moore p.f.moore at
Thu Jan 22 10:26:28 GMT 2009

2009/1/22 Karl Fogel <karl.fogel at>:
>> I think this is a bit optimistic.  From reading people's HOWTO
>> requests here, things like "do you structure your workspace with a
>> project focus or module focus?", "shared repo or not?", etc do seem to
>> run into obstacles requiring reorganizing some repos, with somewhat
>> careful planning.
> Then let's just not talk about efficiency upgrades.  Those who care,
> will find out.  We first need to make sure that for those who don't
> care, everything Just Works, efficiently or otherwise.

But local branching without a shared repo is very slow (disclaimer -
it's been some time since I tried it, but I've seen no notes about
improvements to this case in recent releases). And the immediate
response on this list to someone commenting on this is "you should use
a shared repository" (which in this context, gives the impression that
"what you were told in the documentation is wrong").

Either explain how to set up a shared repository at step 1, speed up
branching outside of a repo, or be prepared for the "Bazaar is slow"
meme to thrive.

For a one-off patch, I know you don't need to do local branches, but I
can't be the only person who tries one approach, isn't sure it's
working, and kicks up a second branch to try "plan B"...


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