Short, task-based bzr doclets for real-world use cases.

Karl Fogel karl.fogel at
Thu Jan 22 05:08:37 GMT 2009

Aaron Bentley <aaron at> writes:
> You say "Suppose you want to make a bugfix in a project that is kept in
> bzr", but you are describing a set-up that's more appropriate for
> someone who wants to become a regular contributor, not someone doing a
> one-off bugfix.
> It's not worth it for a casual contributor to set up a shared repo, or
> for them to create a local mirror of trunk.  By saying a casual
> contributor should do those things, you make bzr look harder than it is.

I'm sure many people are already thinking this, but:

The mere fact that one would set up bzr differently as a casual
contributor vs a (potential) regular contributor is, itself, a huge

  - It forces users to deal with unexpected complexity.

  - It pushes users into making decisions about what kind of contributor
    they might become, before they have enough knowledge to make that

Having better scenario documentation is not going to solve this problem.
I'm not sure what will, but we should be thinking about it.


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