[MERGE] log --include-merges

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Wed Jan 21 16:59:07 GMT 2009

Hash: SHA1

Ian Clatworthy wrote:
> With patch this time. :-(
> Ian Clatworthy wrote:
>> John Arbash Meinel wrote:
>>> Vincent used the option "--include-merges" for this functionality as
>>> part of "bzr missing" is there a reason to use a different option name?
>> Not really. I'll change it. I'd also like to add a short option.
>> I propose -n (and we extend the help message to say
>> "Show (nested) merge revisions.").
> Done. I've added -n as a shortcut option to missing as well.
> My only concern with the "include-merges" name is that users
> migrating from git/hg might take it to mean something different, i.e.
> whether to show/hide merge points. (Not that --merge-revisions
> solved that.) I'm planning to give the help for log some love
> once the various log patches I have in the review queue land.
> Ian C.

Would it be clearer as:

- --mainline-only
- --not-mainline-only

(I realize the default args would make it --no-mainline-only, which
isn't great)

I don't like "-n" as the short option. Especially since it gets confused
with "--no-include-merges". If we wanted 'n' then we should probably
name it "--include-nested" or something along those lines. I do realize
that 'm' is taken. I also realize that we don't have a way to do "-n" =>
show, "-N" => no show.

For now, I'd rather not have a short option until we determine if it is
really necessary. Do you feel strongly about it?

Otherwise things seem fine.


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