moving parent of a stacked branch.

David Ingamells david.ingamells at
Wed Jan 21 10:21:56 GMT 2009

David Ingamells wrote:
> If the parent branch of a stacked branch is moved to another location 
> how does the owner of the stacked branch update his branch to point to 
> the new location?
> It seems that the .bzr/branch/branch.conf file can be edited, but as far 
> as I and the bzr user manual) are concerned this file is internal to 
> bazaar and must not be touched by a user.
> Thanks in advance,
> David.
Further on this, I tried "bzr reconfigure --standalone" [before the 
move] on the stacked branch, but afterwards
bzr status still needs the original patent repository location and 
complains that is is not found.

bzr pull --remember doesn't help.

All the above with version 1.10, and I can't see anything that would fix 
this in the release notes for 1.11

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