[Merge] Multi-glob rules

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at internode.on.net
Tue Jan 20 02:04:12 GMT 2009

Marius Kruger wrote:

>     this adds support for using multiple space separated patterns when
>     specifying rules.

>     * I also implemented and tested that we can quote these patterns, so we
>       can have patterns containing spaces.

Excellent. Thanks for this!


>  the top of the file. Rule patterns use exactly the same conventions
>  as ignore patterns. See ``bzr help patterns`` for details.
> -Note: Patterns containing square brackets should be surrounded in
> +Note: Patterns containing square brackets or spaces should be surrounded in
>  quotes to ensure they are corrected parsed.

That last paragraph could do with slightly earlier line wrapping.

> +        rule_section_count=0
> +        patterns=[]

spaces needed around = also.

I'll make these tweak and merge it now.

Ian C.

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