Bazaar 1.11 released

Martin Pool mbp at
Mon Jan 19 23:23:03 GMT 2009

2009/1/20 Enrique Ramirez <enriquein at>:
> On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 7:51 AM, Martin Pool <mbp at> wrote:
>> I'm happy to announce the release of bzr 1.11.
> Will bzr-setup-1.11rc1-3.exe (Windows installer) be renamed to be the
> official 1.11 installer or are there other pending changes in store
> for the installer? I'm wondering if I should just go ahead and install
> 1.11-rc3 or if I should wait a couple of days until 1.11 shows up in
> the installers list.

There are some small changes in the code post 1.11, see the changelog.

Martin <>

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