[MERGE] Allow changing --[no-]trees with reconfigure (bug 145033)

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Mon Jan 19 08:20:05 GMT 2009

Marius Kruger пишет:
> 2009/1/19 Matthew D. Fuller <fullermd at over-yonder.net 
> <mailto:fullermd at over-yonder.net>>
>     ....
>     Frankly, I'm tempted to just do the checks and set the vars manually
>     in set_repository_trees(), and skip over the whole morass of
>     _plan_changes() completely.  In fact, I think I'll do just that.
> as I said in my initial mail, I think the best solution would be to
> "only allow running this directly in a repo (or when a repo location is 
> specified exactly)"
> ie, not in a branch/tree/checkout.

User can have branch/tree at the repo root too, it's not prohibited in bzr.

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