Short, task-based bzr doclets for real-world use cases.

Brian de Alwis bsd at
Sat Jan 17 01:02:41 GMT 2009

Oops, didn't finish this thought:

On 16-Jan-2009, at 6:49 PM, Brian de Alwis wrote:
> When I was looking into DVCS, I read a lot, and then started to play  
> with Mercurial and bzr.  I too found that learning to use bzr well  
> took time [1] -- but I don't think this was specific to bzr, but  
> from wrapping my head around DVCSs.  Branches are expensive in  
> centralized VCSs [2]; perhaps not in terms of making a branch, but  
> certainly in managing merges to and from the branch.

Branches are expensive, and many CVCS best-practices recommend  
delaying their use for as long as possible.  This isn't the case in a  
DVCS and branching is instead encouraged -- development seems to work  
*better* when you branch earlier.  Figuring out the feature branches,  
and how to use them, was hard.  It wasn't until I read one of John's e- 
mails that I finally saw the light (Message-Id <479F7A2E.8000000 at 
 >, I think).

One last thing I meant to add: I think the tasklets are a great idea.   
I've been introducing revision control using Subversion to a group  
that have never used a VCS before, and some have found it a real  
struggle.  Much of what I do taking the task-centric focus, explaining  
explaining how Subversion's operations help accomplish that task.


"Amusement to an observing mind is study." - Benjamin Disraeli

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