[MERGE/RFC] log refactoring

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Wed Jan 14 22:58:26 GMT 2009

Hash: SHA1

Ian Clatworthy wrote:
> This patch refactors the implementation of log so
> that --short logging iterates most of the time,
> rather than being O(history) as often as it currently is.
> I'm yet to measure the performance gains, if any.
> I'll do that soon. As long as performance is as
> least as good as it currently is, I think this is
> a win in term of clearer code anyhow.
> A separate patch is coming to make --short logging
> the default.
> Ian C.


I haven't followed all of the changes close enough to decide if this is
"tweak" or "resubmit" yet, so I'll start with "comment".

To start with, this seems mostly like a refactoring with an attempt to
change this code:
if (    not generate_merge_revisions
    and start_revision is end_revision is None
    and direction == 'reverse'
    and specific_fileid is None):
    return _linear_view_revisions(branch)

Into a different generator, which can handle when "start_revision" and
"end_revision" is not None. Is that a reasonable summary?

Also, the handling of _NonMainlineRevisionLimit means that if you do:

a) bzr log --short -r -10..NON_MAINLINE
it will fail right away with:
  'Selected log formatter only supports mainline revisions.'

b) bzr log --short -r NON_MAINLINE..-1
it will log the entire mainline, and then at the end give the same error
message. This seems a bit broken.

=== modified file 'bzrlib/branch.py'
- --- bzrlib/branch.py	2009-01-08 19:15:20 +0000
+++ bzrlib/branch.py	2009-01-14 07:17:52 +0000
@@ -467,6 +467,21 @@
             return (0, _mod_revision.NULL_REVISION)

+    def _get_mainline_revno(self, revision_id):
+        """Get the mainline revision number for a revision-id, if any.
+        :return: the mainline revision number or 0 if not on the mainline.
+        """
+        last_revno, last_revision_id = self.last_revision_info()
+        revno = last_revno
+        for rev_id in self.repository.iter_reverse_revision_history(
+                last_revision_id):
+            if rev_id == revision_id:
+                return revno
+            revno -= 1
+        else:
+            return 0

^- This looks like a duplicate of Branch.revision_id_to_revno, only
without any of the caching. And even if it wasn't, I wouldn't recommend
to have
+    if generate_single_revision:
+        if generate_merge_revisions:
+            generate_single_revision = False
+        else:
+            revno = branch._get_mainline_revno(start_rev_id)

^- You have a log.py function calling a 'private' member of Branch,
which I would only do if absolutely necessary. But here it definitely
can just be replaced with 'revision_id_to_revno'. Which also has the
advantage of re-using the mainline history cache that we built up when
doing RevisionSpec_revno.in_history(b). (So we don't hit the repository
a second time.)

It is a little bit hard to tell from the diff, but is it correct to say
that "_create_log_revision_iterator()" is just pulling out the call to
calculate_view_revisions and make_log_rev_iterator and putting it into a
separate function?

Further, it feels like we should be using a function on Branch rather
than repo.iter_reverse_revision_history(). Just because we know that we
have a (partial) revision_history() cache as part of Branch. The
repository should actually have things cached in memory by now, but it
at least *seems* better. I don't think this is worth a lot of time, though.

+def _mainline_view_revisions(branch, revision_limits):
+    """Calculate the mainline revisions to view, newest to oldest.
+    :param revision_limits: a tuple as returned by _get_revision_limits()
+    :return: An iterator of (revision_id, dotted_revno, merge_depth)
+    :raises _NonMainlineRevisionLimit: if a start_rev_id and/or end_rev_id
+      is specified and not found
+    """
+    br_revno, br_rev_id, start_revno, start_rev_id, end_revno,
end_rev_id = \
+        revision_limits
     repo = branch.repository
- -    revision_ids = repo.iter_reverse_revision_history(start_revision_id)
- -    for num, revision_id in enumerate(revision_ids):
- -        yield revision_id, str(start_revno - num), 0
+    cur_revno = br_revno
+    rev_iter = repo.iter_reverse_revision_history(br_rev_id)
+    if start_rev_id is None and end_rev_id is None:
+        for revision_id in rev_iter:
+            yield revision_id, str(cur_revno), 0
+            cur_revno -= 1
+    else:
+        found_start = start_rev_id is None
+        found_end = end_rev_id is None
+        for revision_id in rev_iter:
+            if cur_revno < start_revno:
+                break
+            if cur_revno <= end_revno:
+                if not found_start and revision_id == start_rev_id:
+                    found_start = True
+                if not found_end and revision_id == end_rev_id:
+                    found_end = True
+                yield revision_id, str(cur_revno), 0
+            cur_revno -= 1
+        else:
+            if not found_start or not found_end:
+                raise _NonMainlineRevisionLimit()

^- I think if no start and end are given, then iterating as you have
done is a good thing to do, because we haven't loaded anything yet.

I'm not sure that iterating when we have endpoints is necessary. If
someone does "bzr log --short -r XXXX..YYYY" then we would have already
iterated in the repository to lookup XXXX and YYYY, so everything is
cached, and we don't win anything by iterating here. And we lose a
little bit because we have to raise _NonMainlineRevisionLimit() after
iterating for a while, rather than at the beginning.

(That said, I agree that it would be nice to not have to worry about
mainline or non-mainline revisions.)

But as I commented earlier, it looks like it will give the error after
it has already displayed the entire mainline. Which is pretty sub-optimal.

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