bazaar standup notes 20090115

Martin Pool mbp at
Wed Jan 14 22:25:17 GMT 2009

igc: mostly looking at log, like at making --short the default;
there's a bug to do with log --short FILE which, and proposing to use
something similar to what we do now; then can look at making the log
implementation a bit more pipelined; vila has some concerns about this
direction; queries about differences between filters and formatters
(Robert suggests considering how GUIs would do it).  See the thread
about proposed changes to the log ui.

robertc: Compression benchmark should be done soon, to give good
comparison of different algorithms.

mbp: several calls; today will bzrtools into ppa, check for additional
1.11 fixes, will check thread about thread naming

john: submitted stacking-multiple-connections fix for 1.11, read
thread about log ui, looking into remote administration of

andrew: away on holidays

needs: ian wants content-filtering review

Martin <>

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