How to bzr fast-import of git remote branches?

Brian de Alwis bsd at
Wed Jan 14 20:09:59 GMT 2009

I'm trying to create a bzr repository from a git repository.  This git  
repository has only remote branches.  Trying to use the bzr-fastimport  
plugin to process the output from git fast-export, but bzr-fastimport  
produces reams of warnings along the line of:

> $ (cd ../git-repo; git fast-export -all) | (cd ../bzr-repo; bzr fast- 
> import -)
> 13:34:34 WARNING: resets are not supported yet - ignoring reset of  
> 'refs/remotes/NONGNU'
> 13:34:34 WARNING: resets are not supported yet - ignoring reset of  
> 'refs/remotes/DMG'
> 13:34:35 WARNING: resets are not supported yet - ignoring reset of  
> 'refs/remotes/Xen'

Looking at the source, the fast-import plugin supports resets for  
things with a prefix of 'refs/tags'.  Is there a reason for this?

Or is there a way to convert these remote branches in a way that bzr- 
fastimport can handle?



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