[PATCH] 306394 fix (warning, not error, on non-existent file)

Aaron Bentley aaron at aaronbentley.com
Tue Jan 13 21:18:26 GMT 2009

Hash: SHA1

Karl Fogel wrote:
> Aaron Bentley <aaron at aaronbentley.com> writes:
>> However, Bundle Buggy didn't like the merge directive because it refers
>> to revisions not present in bzr.dev and the target branch is
>> "file:///home/kfogel/src/bzr/bzr-repo/bzr.dev-trunk/", which is not a
>> public branch.

> My overall strategy was:
>    $ bzr init-repo bzr-repo
>    $ cd bzr-repo
>    $ bzr branch http://bazaar-vcs.org/bzr/bzr.dev/ bzr.dev-trunk
>    $ bzr branch bzr.dev-trunk bzr.dev-306394

Did you ever commit to bzr.dev-trunk?  It seems like you committed a
revision called "kfogel at red-bean.com-20090108210552-4cv8mvc6sv0gdbn1".

You then generated a merge directive against your local mirror, which
was no longer a genuine mirror.  Since the included bundle assumes the
recipient has a copy of
kfogel at red-bean.com-20090108210552-4cv8mvc6sv0gdbn1, the recipient must
have a copy of your local mirror in order to merge your changes.

You should only ever pull into a local mirror, not commit.

> At that point, I said to myself:
>    "Perfect!  I now have a branch for working on bug #306394.  I also
>     have a clean local trunk of upstream, into which I can merge
>     anytime.  Whenever I want to work on a bug, I'll just branch that
>     local trunk."
> It seemed sane at the time... was it not?

The steps you listed were sane, but you should also set the
"public_branch" config value of bzr.dev-trunk to
"http://bazaar-vcs.org/bzr/bzr.dev", e.g.

$ echo "public_branch = http://bazaar-vcs.org/bzr/bzr.dev" >>

If I'm right that you committed into your local mirror, that's not sane.
 (But you can fix it with "bzr pull --overwrite -d bzr.dev-trunk")

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