[PATCH] 306394 fix (warning, not error, on non-existent file)

Karl Fogel karl.fogel at canonical.com
Tue Jan 13 20:58:13 GMT 2009

Aaron Bentley <aaron at aaronbentley.com> writes:
> PATCH and MERGE are equivalent to us (and Bundle Buggy).  We use RFC
> when we want feedback.


> However, Bundle Buggy didn't like the merge directive because it refers
> to revisions not present in bzr.dev and the target branch is
> "file:///home/kfogel/src/bzr/bzr-repo/bzr.dev-trunk/", which is not a
> public branch.

Indeed.  There are many workflows to choose from, and I've apparently
chosen one that won't result in Bundle Buggy-friendly bundles :-).
(Good in this case, since I didn't want Bundle Buggy to notice this, but
it'll be a problem later.)

My overall strategy was:

   $ bzr init-repo bzr-repo
   $ cd bzr-repo
   $ bzr branch http://bazaar-vcs.org/bzr/bzr.dev/ bzr.dev-trunk
   $ bzr branch bzr.dev-trunk bzr.dev-306394

At that point, I said to myself:

   "Perfect!  I now have a branch for working on bug #306394.  I also
    have a clean local trunk of upstream, into which I can merge
    anytime.  Whenever I want to work on a bug, I'll just branch that
    local trunk."

It seemed sane at the time... was it not?


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