Printable Documentation

Colin D Bennett colin at
Sun Jan 11 05:56:38 GMT 2009

On Sat, 10 Jan 2009 19:28:56 -0600
"Richard Fleming" <rfleming at> wrote:

> Hello,
> I know that the user documentation is available on the website,
> however I was wondering if there was a "clean to print" version, like
> a PDF or Postscript?

Since the documentation is in reStructuredText format, it can be
rendered to nearly any format, including LaTeX and OpenOffice-compatible
ODT format.

I rendered the User Guide to PDF on US Letter size paper using
''. You can find the PDF at

If you want to render it yourself, you need docutils and LaTeX
installed, then get and run '' from

Thanks to the Bazaar project for turning me on to reStructuredText,
which I use for many, many purposes and it is just outstanding.

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