[MERGE] `bzr init` will now print a little less verbose output.
Christophe TROESTLER
Christophe.Troestler+bzr at umons.ac.be
Tue Jan 6 23:37:06 GMT 2009
On Wed, 7 Jan 2009 00:13:55 +0200, Marius Kruger wrote:
> === new ===
> $ bzr init
> /tmp/x
> Created a standalone tree (format: pack-0.92)
I presume you meant it to look like
$ bzr init /tmp/x
Created a standalone tree (format: pack-0.92)
> === new ===
> $ bzr init-repo -q /tmp/r
> $ bzr init /tmp/r/x
> Created a repository tree (format: pack-0.92)
> Using shared repository: /tmp/r/
> $ bzr init sftp://guest@localhost/tmp/r/y
> Created a repository branch (format: pack-0.92)
> Using shared repository: sftp://guest@localhost/tmp/r/
Do we want that asymmetry between the shared repository and the
branch? Why not
$ bzr init /tmp/r/x
Created the branch x (format: pack-0.92)
in the shared repository /tmp/r/
and similarly for the second one? Now, in order to be completely
homogeneous, one would also then want (I use "branch" in place of
"tree" to match "bzr branch" -- less vocabulary is better for
$ bzr init /tmp/x
Created the standalone branch x (format: pack-0.92)
$ bzr init
Created a standalone branch in the current directory (format: pack-0.92)
My 0.02€,
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