[PATCH] Fix for bug #314251 [mv via rm+add breaking dirstate]

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Thu Jan 8 20:58:31 GMT 2009

>>>>> "Charles" == Charles Duffy <Charles_Duffy at messageone.com> writes:

    Charles> Ian Clatworthy wrote:
    >> Please add a NEWS item into the BUGS section.

    Charles> Done.

    >> I'm not sure if the inner if test needs an else clause or not?
    >> If they do match, is that OK or a logic/data error we ought to
    >> report? Please check this with a dirstate guru, e.g. lifeless
    >> or jam.

    Charles> If they do match, we're re-adding a file with the same name (and
    Charles> in the same directory) as when it was first deleted. dirstate
    Charles> handles this case correctly as-is, and so falling through
    Charles> (without an else clause) gives us the same behavior we would have
    Charles> had were include_deleted not passed to _get_entry (in which case
    Charles> the outermost if, testing file_id_entry, would have failed).

Given that the reviewer ask the question and the answer is not
trivial, that clearly deserves a comment in an 'else: pass'
clause :)


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