Binary file handling

Marius Kruger amanic at
Thu Jan 8 14:27:34 GMT 2009

2009/1/8 Dmitri Pissarenko <dmitri.pissarenko at>

> Hello!
> Thanks for your answer!
> > Are individual binary files larger than 100 MB or is the combined size
> > of the binary files larger than 100 MB?
> The combined size of binary files may be approx. 100 MB in future. At
> the moment, all binary files together are approx. 85 MB large.

ok, then you should be fine IMHO. if you start versioning a file that can't
easily fit into memmory a couple of times, then you'll run into performance
issues (as far as I know).

> I've 141 binary files.
> Of these 141 binary files,
> 1) files with size between 4 and 16 MB constitute 21.4 MB,

at work we also version our jars (tomcat/shared/lib), but we keep that in
its own tree for convenience.
we have jars up to 3.3M, 91 jars in total, and only 7 revisions.
we don't have any problems.

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